Sunday, March 1, 2020

God Hears

God Hears
Diane listened as the others in the group asked for prayers for their family members and friends facing challenges or illness. She had a family member who had been struggling with an addiction for years. But Diane kept her request silent. She couldn't bear to see the looks on people's faces or hear the questions or advice that often followed whenever she spoke the words aloud. She felt that this request was usually better left unspoken. Others simply didn't understand how her loved one could be a believer in Jesus and still struggle daily.
Although Diane didn't share her request with that group, she did have a few trusted friends she asked to pray with her. Together they asked God to set her loved one free from the very real bondage of addiction that he might experience freedom in Christ-and that God would give Diane the peace and patience she needed. As she prayed, she found comfort and strength from her relationship with Him.
Many of us have earnest, persistent prayers that seem to go unanswered. But we can be assured that God does care and He does hear all our requests. He urges us to continue to walk closely with Him, being " joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." We can lean on Him.
Lord, Your Word urges us to pray continually. Help us to be persistent in prayer, and enable us to be faithful partners in prayer with others.
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings.

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