Monday, July 31, 2017

He's Coming Back

Christ rose first; then when Christ comes back, all his people will become alive again. 1 Corinthians 15:23.

          God made a promise to us. " I will come back...," he assures us. Yes, the rocks will tumble. Yes, the ground will shake. But the child of God needn't fear-for the Father has promised to take us to be with him.
           But dare we believe the promise? Dare we trust his loyality? Isn't there a cautious part of us that wonders how reliable these words may be?...
          How can we believe he will move the rocks and set us free?
          Because he's already done it once.
           When Christ Comes

Friday, July 28, 2017

Don't Be Troubled

The person who trusts the Lord will be blessed. JEREMIAH 17:7.

      Just prior to his crucifixion, [ Jesus] told his disciples that he would be leaving them. " Where I am going you cannot follow now, but you will follow later" ( John 13:36)
      Such a statement was bound to stir some questions. Peter spoke for the others and asked, " Lord, why can't I follow you now?"
     See if Jesus' reply doesn't reflect the tenderness of a parent to a child: " Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house; I would not tell you this it if were not true. I am going there to prepare a place for you.... I will come back and take you to be with me so that you may be where I am going" ( John 14:1-3).
      Reduce the paragraph to a sentence and it might read: " You do the trusting and I'll do the taking."
            When Christ Comes

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Christ's Ultimate Aim

He came to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many people. MARK 10:45.

     One of the incredible abilities of Jesus was to stay on target. His life never got off track... He kept his life on course.
     As Jesus looked across the horizon of his future, he culd see many targets. Many flags were flapping in the wind, each of which he could have pursued. He could have been a political revolutionary... He could have been content to be a teacher and educate minds.... But in the end he chose to be a Savior and save souls.
     Anyone near Christ for any length of time heard it from Jesus himself. " The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them" ( LUKE 19:10).... The heart of Christ was relentlessly focused on one task. The day he left the carpentry shop of Nazareth he had one ultimate aim-the cross of Calvary.
           Just Like Jesus

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Answer to Arguments

Get along with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you. COLOSSIANS 3:13.

     Unity doesn't begin in examining others but in examining self. Unity begins not in demanding that others change, but in admitting that we aren't so perfect ourselves...
      The answer to arguments? Acceptance. The first step to unity? Acceptance. Not agreement, acceptance. Not unanimity, acceptance. Not negotiation, arbitration, or elaboration. Those might come later but only after the first step, acceptance.
           In the Grip of Grace

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What Size Is God?

God can do all things. Matthew 19:26.
     Nature is God's workshop. The sky is his resume. The universe is his calling card. You want to know who God is? See what he has done. You want to know his power? Take a look at his creation. Curious about his strength? Pay a visit to his home address: 1 Billion Starry Sky Avenue.
      He is untainted by the atmosphere of sin, unbridled by the time line of history, unhindered by weariness of the body.
     What controls you doesn't control him. What troubles you doesn't trouble him. What fatigues you doesn't fatigue him. Is an eagle disturbed by traffic? No, he rises above it. Is the whale perturbed by a hurricane? Of course not, he plunges beneath it. Is the lion flustered by the mouse standing directly in his way? No, he steps over it.
      How much more is God able to soar above, plunge beneatah, and step over the troubles of the earth!
           The Great House of God

Monday, July 24, 2017

Lifiting Heart and Hands

To the King that rules forever, who will never die, who cannot be seen, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. 1 Timothy 1:17.
     The whole purpose of coming before the King is to praise him, to live in recognition of his splendor. Praise-lifting up our heart and hands, exulting with our voices, singing his praises-is the occupation of those who dwell in the kingdom.
     Praise is the highest occupation of any being. What happens when we praise the Father? We reestablish tthe proper chain of command; we recognize that the King is on the throne and that he has saved his people.
           Walking with the Savior.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Heed the Signals

Honor God and obey his commands, because this is all people must do. ECCLESIASTES 12:13.
     Here are some God-given, time-tested truths that define the way you should navigate your life. Observe them and enjoy secure passage. Ignore them and crash against the ragged rocks of reality...:
     . Love God more than you fear hell.

     . Make major decisions in a cemetery.

     . When no one is watching, live as if someone is.

     . Succeed at home first.

     . Don't spend tomorrow's money today.

     . Pray twice as much as you fret.

     . God has forgiven you; you'd be wise to do the same.

           In the Eye of the Storm

Saturday, July 22, 2017

If Only...

So now you are not a slave; you are God's Child, and God will give you the blessing he promised, because you are his child. Galatians 4:7

     Maybe your past isn't much to brag about. Maybe you've seen raw evil. And now you...have to make a choice. Do you rise above the past and make a difference? Or do you remain controlled by the past and make excuses?...
     Many choose the convalescent homes of the heart. Healthy bodies. Sharp minds. But retired dreams. Back and forth they rock in the chair of regret, repeating the terms of surrender. Lean closely and you will hear them: " If only."
     " If only I'd been born somewhere else..."
     " If only I'd been treated fairly..."
     Maybe you've used those words. Maybe you have every right to use them... If such is the case...go to John's gospel and read Jesus' words: " Human life comes from human parents, but spiritual life comes from the Spirit" ( John 3:6).